How to get to Auckland International Airport by Bus

Find Airport Transfers

Buses from Auckland Airport with Bus Routes and Times

Several public transportation options serve Auckland Airport. You'll need to visit the Auckland Transport website to go about Auckland by bus, train, or ferry.

The Auckland Transport contact center can be contacted at +64 9 366 6400 for information on buses, trains, and ferries.

Train-Bus Services

The AirportLink bus connects Auckland Airport, Puhinui Station, and Manukau Bus Station.

Trains from Puhinui Station go on both the Southern and Eastern lines.

From 4.30 a.m. to 12.40 a.m., every 10 minutes, the AirportLink runs seven days a week.

There are two bus stops at the domestic and international terminals where the AirportLink bus departs. Look out for the bright orange signs.

You can learn more about train schedules by visiting the Auckland Transport website.

Buses No. 38

Airport to Onehunga through Mangere Town Centre is served by Auckland's No. 38 bus service.

During the day, it runs every 15 to 20 minutes seven out of seven days a week.

Unlike the AirportLink service, this service stops at the exact bus stop locations at the terminals.


To utilize the AirportLink and 38 bus services, you will require an AT HOP card, or you can contact the Airport Information Desk for assistance. At Puhinui Station, passengers can purchase rail tickets in cash.

SkyDrive Buses

An expedited shuttle service from Auckland Airport to Central Auckland's SkyCity (run by Ritchies Transport) is available via SkyDrive (SkyDrive).

To get to the airport, take the first SkyCity bus at 5:00 a.m. With the domestic terminal's last bus departing at 22:30, buses run every 30 minutes.

There is a bus stop at the domestic terminal where buses depart. Ticket purchases can be made directly from the bus driver (with a credit card only) or through the SkyDrive website (

Intercity Buses

Passengers traveling to the airport by intercity bus can now purchase tickets online.

For the most up-to-date information on how to get around Auckland Airport, stop by the Information Desk.

Which Bus services/routes have stops at Auckland International Airport?

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Auckland - Central - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By SkyBus

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland)

Auckland - Central - Hamilton - Central

Bus Service Operated By InterCity

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland)

Auckland - Central - Hamilton - Central

Bus Service Operated By InterCity

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Auckland - Central - Hamilton - Central

Bus Service Operated By InterCity

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Auckland International Airport

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Auckland International Airport

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Auckland - Central - Hamilton - Central

Bus Service Operated By InterCity

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Auckland International Airport

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Hamilton - Central - Whangarei

Bus Service Operated By Skip Travel

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Auckland International Airport

Auckland - Central - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By SkyBus

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Auckland - Central - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By SkyBus

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Auckland International Airport

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Auckland International Airport

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Auckland International Airport

Auckland - Central - Hamilton - Central

Bus Service Operated By InterCity

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Auckland International Airport

Auckland - Central - Hamilton - Central

Bus Service Operated By InterCity

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Auckland International Airport

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Airport To Onehunga Via Mangere Town Centre

Bus Service Operated By Go Bus

Onehunga To Airport Via Mangere Town Centre

Bus Service Operated By Go Bus

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Auckland - Central - Hamilton - Central

Bus Service Operated By InterCity

Onehunga To Airport Via Mangere Town Centre

Bus Service Operated By Go Bus

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Auckland International Airport

Auckland - Central - Hamilton - Central

Bus Service Operated By InterCity

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Hamilton - Central - Whangarei

Bus Service Operated By Skip Travel

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Auckland International Airport

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Auckland International Airport

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Auckland International Airport

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland Domestic Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Auckland International Airport

Airport To Onehunga Via Mangere Town Centre

Bus Service Operated By Go Bus

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Manukau City (Auckland) - Auckland International Airport

Bus Service Operated By AT Airporter 380 - Manukau (Orange Bus)

Auckland International Airport

Where are the Bus Stops at Auckland International Airport?

Bus Stop Name Latitude Longitude View on Map
Auckland Domestic Airport -37.006244 174.7906171 View
Hape Drive -37.00157 174.80076 View
Stop A International Airport -37.00435 174.7824 View
Stop B Auckland Domestic Airport -37.00634 174.79112 View
Map of Bus Stops at Auckland International Airport